UALS hosts an annual Symposium organized by one of the Steering Committee members.
The Annual Symposium 2023
- Date
- February 10, 2024 13:00~16:00
- Venue
- Online
- Theme
- Use of Generative AI in Language Education
13:00~13:05 Brief Explanation Dr. Hajime Tateishi (Kobe College)
13:05~13:35 「How learners are using AI for language learning:Include teachers’ perspectives」
Dr. Tzuhsuan Ma (Kansai University, Japanese Language Education)
13:35~14:05 「Language Education Research in the Generative AI Era」
Dr. Jaeho Lee (Waseda University, Japanese Language Education)
14:05~14:10 break
14:10~14:40 「What parts of language learning can AI assist with?」
Dr. Naoki Yamazaki (Kansai University, Chinese Language Education)
14:40~15:10 「Differences between AI language generation and human language use:Considerations for Language Education in the AI Era」
Dr. Yosuke Yanase (Kyoto University, English Education)
15:10~15:20 break
15:20~16:00 Q & A from floor

The Annual Symposium 2020
- Date
- March 7, 2021 13:00~15:15
- Venue
- Online
- Theme
- Linguistics and Language Teaching in the Age of Emergency Remote Teaching and Learning
Part 1 – 13:00-13:10
10 Years of Reflecting on the United Association of Language Studies while Focusing on the Future: Dr. Hisashi Noda (National Institute of Japanese Language and Linguistics)
Part 2
Speaker 1 – 13:15~14:00 Dr. Charles Browne (Meiji Gakuin University)
Speaker 2 – 14:05~14:50 Dr. Hiroyuki Obari (Aoyama Gakuin University)
Part 3
Panel Discussion / Q&A – 14:55~15:15
Panelists (In Order of Appearance):
Dr. Hisashi Noda
Dr. Charles Browne
Dr. Hiroyuki Obari
Participants : 113 (from Japan as well as from Asia and Europe)

The Annual Symposium 2019
- Date
- November 9, 2019 at 15:15 -18:00
- Venue
- Kwansei Gakuin University
- Theme
- How Is Reality of Language Recognized? Comparison Among Languages
- Host: Yukio Hirose (University of Tsukuba)
Presenters: - Yo Matsumoto (National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics)
- Masaru Inoue (Reitaku University)
- Junji Okamoto (Gakushuin Univeristy)
- Jyunya Watanabe (Tokyo University)
Participants : 130 (42 outside of the conference participants)